Yoga for Weight Loss

Natalie Morgan / July 21, 2020



Heard about the news that yoga is perfect for weight loss? You probably have a friend who has been practicing yoga for such purpose. Well, many people have claimed that yoga can help a person maintain a healthy weight by regularly practicing all the proper movements involved in this ancient practice.

The concept of yoga for weight loss actually came out following the claim that yoga can help create an ultimate sense of wellbeing. The term “wellbeing” is commonly understood by many as the state of being healthy in which the body is free from all the harmful elements in the environment, including calories. Aside from that, yoga is believed to be highly potent for boosting metabolism, which according to several studies is an effective factor for losing weight.

However, many have said that yoga for weight loss is not as strong and effective as what others believed. According to them doing the yogic exercises regularly will not provide a quick fix for weight loss. But, it is important to note that they never said that there’s no hope for yoga to do miracles when it comes to losing pounds. The truth is, yoga can be highly effective for weight loss if it is done along with proper diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Yoga Exercises for Weight Loss

Generally, all of the exercises involved in yoga are said to promote weight loss. But, of the techniques available, the back bends, twisting positions, forward bends, and inversions are the most well-known moves capable of promoting weight loss. These exercises are claimed to be great for stimulating the endocrine system of the body. They can also boost metabolism which in turn acts to burn a greater number of calories.

Exercises like the sun salutations, standing poses, camel pose, shoulder stand, bridge, rabbit and plow poses are also capable of boosting metabolism in the body as all of these are performed in series. However, for people who are overweight may find these movements difficult to execute, the reason that yogis recommend doing these moves slowly and carefully.

Yoga Diet and Healthy Lifestyle

As mentioned earlier, the yoga exercises are not so effective for weight loss if they are not performed along with proper diet and a healthy lifestyle. So if you want to see yourself losing weight while practicing yoga, you should exert certain efforts and interest in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a proper diet. Note that the yoga diet is rich in fiber, legumes, whole grains and vegetables. On the other hand, the yoga for weight loss diet is low in fat, processed foods and animal protein. So to achieve better results when doing yoga for weight loss, note all the foods that are allowed and the foods that are restricted. As simple as that!

Oops! Don’t forget to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Avoid alcohols and unhealthy products, and practice respect for others and a sense of positive self-action. That is basically what the concept of yoga is all about.

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