
Overview All of us have heard of common orthodontic appliances such as arch wires, rubber bands, clear assigners, and metal braces are frequently used by orthodontics for straightening teeth. But have you heard about bite turbos? What it is and how it works. Let's discuss it in brief. Orthodontics Specialists in Florida have used bite turbos for decades in the treatment of straightening teeth. Bite Turbos, as the name suggests,…


If you have an overbite problem, you should consider contacting the Orthodontics specialists of Florida to correct the issue and help your jaw. There is numerous treatment that your dentist may recommend, and the type mostly depends on the overbite's severity and other factors, including its underlying cause. Braces are a common solution to improve your overbite, underbite, or misalignment. So, in this article, you will learn about the different…